Now Available in Stores
Graphics Programming Methods

Graphics Programming Methods is available in stores now.
Publisher: Charles River Media
Editor: Jeff Lander, Darwin 3D, LLC
This book is a collection of application and technique driven articles that detail the current and future advancements in computer graphics programming.
These articles are in the form of specific techniques and solutions for small, well-defined problems.
- "Simulating and Rendering Particle Systems" (Waldemar Celes and Antonio Calomeni)
- "Real-Time Animation of Trees" (Thomas Di Giacomo, Stephane Capo, and Francois Faure)
- "Real-time Multi-Resolution Dynamics of Deeply Hierarchical Bodies" (Jason Weber and Andrew Weber)
- "Scripted Bodies and Spline Driven Animation" (Kenny Erleben and Knud Henriksen)
- "Collision Detection of Deformable Volumetric Meshes" (Kenny Erleben and Jon Sporring)
- "Resolution of the Inverse Kinematic of an Articulated Structure Using the Jacobian Pseudo-inverse" (Juan M. Cordero and Javier Matellanes)
- "Inverse Dynamics Displacement Constraints in Real Time Cloth and Soft Body Models" (Maciej Matyka)
- "Creating a Real-time Facial Expression and Lip-sync System" (John van der Burg)
- "Automatic Parameterization on the Cube" (Ignacio Castańo Aguado)
- "Extending Features Using Euclidean Distance Transforms " (Ignacio Castańo Aguado)
- "A Fast all Integer Ellipse Discretization Algorithm" (Anders Hast, Tony Barrera, and Ewert Bengtsson)
- "A Fast and Simple all Integer Parametric Line" (Anders Hast, Tony Barrera, and Ewert Bengtsson)
- "An Easy-to-code Smoothing Algorithm for 3D Reconstructed surfaces" (Oscar Garcia-Panyella)
- "Higher Order Surfaces Using Curved PN Triangles" (Mark Theyer)
- "Building a Flexible Terrain Engine for the Future" (Trent Polack)
- "Visible Terrain Grid Determination using Frustum" (Christopher Tremblay)
- "3D Planets" (Jesse Laeuchli)
- "k-D Tree Face Portals with Solid Geometry" (Conor Stokes)
- "A Framework for Rapid 3D Level Design Using MAXScript Code Generation" (R. Grant Reed)
- "A Modified Phong-Blinn Light Model for Shadowed Areas." (Anders Hast, Tony Barrera, and Ewert Bengtsson)
- "Stochastic Iteration for Non-diffuse Global Illumination" (Laszlo Szirmay-Kalos and Balazs Benedek)
- "Metropolis Sampling in Random Walk Global Illumination Algorithms" (Laszlo Szirmay-Kalos and Gyorgy Antal)
- "Metropolis Density Estimation" (William Leeson)
- "Rendering with Adaptive Integration" (William Leeson)
- "Illumination-Based Occlusion Culling" (Ian Ashdown)
- "Antialiasing for Bump Maps and a Fast Normalization Trick" (Anders Hast, Tony Barrera, and Ewert Bengtsson)
- "Fast Setup for Bi-linear and Bi-Quadratic Interpolation over Triangles" (Anders Hast, Tony Barrera, and Ewert Bengtsson)
- "An Effective kd-tree Implementation" (László Szécsi)
- "Pixel Shader Optimizations for Terrain Rendering" (Kenny Mitchell)
- "Real-Time Atmospheric Light Scattering" (Naty Hoffman and Preetham Arcot)
- "True Volumetric Shadows" (Robert James)
- "Software Rasterization" (Ernie Booth)
- "Quantization of True-color Images with Opacity Information" (Willem de Boer)
- "Real-Time Relighting of Compressed Panoramas " (Tien-Tsin Wong, Siu-Hang Or, and Chi-Wing Fu)
- "An Optimal Dynamic Surface Caching Algorithm" (Alexandre Ganea)